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HOME: Bienvenido

Our team, your project delivery partner.

Our experienced staff in the industry is available to serve as your dedicated project delivery team. Equipped with exceptional technical expertise and flexibility, we can quickly engage in any project or task you require. Regardless of the size or complexity of your project, we are here to help you realize your vision.

Why Us

+ 1200 Succesful Projects

+ 80 Happy Clients

+ 15 Years in Business

What we do




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Parallel Alliance Subscriptions

"Creating value through partnership"

At Parallel Alliance, we believe that co-creating with our partners amplifies our impact on the built world. We continuously adapt and grow alongside our partners to deliver innovative solutions. Our Parallel Alliance subscriptions are designed to help you scale your capabilities by building together with us.

We begin by meeting with you to understand your goals and requirements, and then propose a team of resources to work alongside you. For a flat monthly rate, you get access to a team of experts who are ready to help you move the needle forward. This includes support for transitioning from CAD to BIM, creating 3D models for production needs, and connecting BIM with your software tools.

Let us help you achieve your goals and make a positive impact on the built world through our co-creation efforts at Parallel Alliance.

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